Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
212 Second Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Office Address: 620 North Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Office Hours: 9:00 am - 12 Noon, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Safe Gatherings
Safe Gatherings Policy for Work with Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults
The congregation of Woodland United Methodist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all children, youth, vulnerable adults, staff, and volunteers who participate in ministries and activities sponsored by the church.
Jesus, time and time again, spoke of the importance of young people being included and provided for within the community of faith. Our hope and belief today is that the church is a place where children, youth, and vulnerable adults will find the unconditional love and care they so desperately need to grow and thrive.
Sadly, the abuse of children happens all too frequently. Abuse often happens in settings where children, youth, and vulnerable adults should be able to feel safe — in homes, schools, camps, and even at church. Abuse does occur in churches, large and small, rural and urban. It is a problem which cuts across all economic, cultural, and racial lines. It is real.
God has given us a sacred opportunity and great responsibility to nurture and protect children and youth and the persons who work with them. Our Church bears affirmative responsibility to create an environment of safety for them. Thus, we establish this Safe Gatherings Policy for Work with Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults to demonstrate our absolute and unwavering commitment to the physical, emotional and spiritual safety of all, and where all can grow, thrive, and become faithful people of God.
It is the purpose of this policy first to protect the children, youth and vulnerable adults who come to us.
The second purpose of this policy is to protect our staff, both paid and volunteer, from unfounded and/or malicious allegations of abuse